Any refund/cancellation request for online donations will not be entertained once the donation is accepted by our Online Payment Gateway Providers HDFC Bank Ltd.
We realise that errors sometimes happen, and there may be an occasion when you may make a mistake in the amount donated or selecting the purpose of your donation. If you feel that you have made such an error, kindly let Tiara Haemophilia and Cancer Foundation know about this error within 3 working days by emailing us at [email protected]. We may require further information from you to determine what’s happened. Wherever possible, we will help to rectify the error.
Exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act is available for Indian donors. For donations over Rs. 50,000, we require your PAN.
If you require further information on online donations, please email us at [email protected]

REG OFFICE: 202, 2nd floor, Tropical's Ashrama, 7/2 Krishnaswamy Avenue, Mylapore, Chennai - 004
VHS SAMHITA: Abhimanyu Block, Voluntary Health Services, SH49A, Pallipattu, Tharamani, Chennai-113